Simple Way to Receive Real-Time Alerts on Your Mobile Devices with Push Notifications

Alertzy is a great tool that allows you to receive real-time alerts as push notifications on your iOS and Android devices. Simply call our API and an alert will be instantly delivered to your gadget. There are hundreds of use cases on why you would want to receive alerts, e.g. server/website monitoring, crypto-currency price alerts, share price alerts, critical reminders and many others.


Alertzy allows you to receive push notifications without having your own mobile app.

With Alertzy you will never miss the most important alerts and resolve critical issues in minimal time.

Alertzy allows you to instantly receive alerts on your mobile device and act on them in real-time while collaborating with other team members to resolve the issue in most efficient manner.

This makes Alertzy a great alert management and team collaboration tool! Your team members will receive real-time alerts as push notifications on their mobile devices. They can act on the alert or forward it to a more appropriate colleague and resolve the issue as a team. All actions/updates are tracked under the related alert, all within one simple interface. This also provides a historic view that allows you to track the progress of the issue as it was getting resolved.

Simply call our API and an alert will be instantly delivered to your gadget. There are hundreds of use cases on why you would want to receive alerts, e.g. server/website monitoring, crypto-currency price alerts, share price alerts, critical reminders, IP cam alerts, baby intercom alerts, security alerts, forum notifications, temperature alerts, water problem notifications and many others.

API Integration

Alertzy API makes it really simple to integrate with your web app, network monitor, shell script, or anything else you can think of to send alerts and notifications to yourself and others. Pushing messages is as easy as using the HTTP libraries available in nearly every programming language with no custom modules required.

  • API Parameters

    POST a HTTPS request to with the following parameters:

        • accountKey (required) - your Account Key (can be found in Alertzy app under Account tab)
        • title (either title or message is required) - the title of your push notification
        • message (either title or message is required) - the body of your push notification

    Optional parameters that can be included:

        • priority - integer value representing priority [0 = Normal (default), 1 = High, 2 = Critical]. Set priority for your notification to distinguish important notifications. This highlights the notification in different colours in the app and allows you to filter notifications by priority.
        • group - text name of group. This allows you to group messages, similarly to placing notifications in different folders. In app your can filter notifications to only see the ones in particular group.
        • image - a web URL link pointing to an image (must start with "http://"). This allows to add images to your notifications. Great for security camera snapshots or if you want to add any other image to the notification.
        • link - any web URL link (must start with "http://"). This will add a clickable link to your notification that will open in your device's browser.
        • buttons - actionable buttons. Sent as JSON array of button objects, for example to add a button send: [{"text":"Google","link":"","color":"green"}]
    This allows you to add one or many buttons to perform actions by calling relevant web URLs or iOS shortcuts. For example, a notification is received alerting your Dev Ops that a person from overseas has accessed your account and two buttons are provided to allow or block the particular IP: "Someone from North Korea just tried to access your account. What do you want to do?", and two buttons provided: "Block IP" and "Allow IP". Clicking "Block IP" button results in a call-back to a URL (with a token for identification) and can create an action without further intervention from the user.
    A JSON array containing button objects must be provided here. Each button object should consist of three key/value pairs:
      • text: text label for the button (e.g. "Block IP")
      • link: a web URL link that will be opened in browser when button is clicked (must start with "http://") or iOS shortcuts link (must start with "shortcuts://run-shortcut")
      • color: name of the color for the button. Color options are: blue green orange red lightblue grey black
    Example below demonstrates JSON containing two actionable buttons:

    Sending To Multiple Accounts At Once

    You are able to send a single Alertzy message to multiple accounts at once. This is handy in cases where a group of people need to receive same notification and want to be able to discuss this as a group. Imagine a server going down and three technicians receive Alertzy notification. This will allow them to discuss the issue and leave comments as the issue gets resolved.

    To achieve this, provide multiple Account Keys as a single string concatenated with underscores.
    e.g. you want to send to two Account Keys at same time, to "111222333aaaccc" and to "999888777zzzxxx". Then you Account Key parameter will look like "111222333aaaccc_999888777zzzxxx".

    Response Format

    If API request was valid, you will receive a JSON object containing a response status as success and a sentTo parameter containing an array of Account Keys to which the Alertzy was sent.

    If any input was invalid, you will receive a JSON object containing a response status as fail, and an error parameter containing an array of Account Keys and associated error message detailing the issue.
    {"response":"fail","sentTo":[],"error":{"999888777zzzxxx":"Invalid Account Key"}}

    When sending to multiple Account Keys at once, if some input was valid while other was invalid, you will receive a JSON object containing a response status as mixed, a sentTo parameter containing an array of Account Keys to which the Alertzy was sent and an error parameter containing an array of Account Keys and associated error message detailing the issue.
    {"response":"mixed","sentTo":["111222333aaaccc"],"error":{"999888777zzzxxx":"Invalid Account Key"}}


    Messages are currently limited to 2,000 4-byte UTF-8 characters, with a title of up to 255 characters.

    Send Limits

    You are allowed to send 100 push notification messages each day. Please contact us if you need to send higher number of notifications.

Sample Code

  • PHP

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array(
        "accountKey" => "111222333aaaccc",
        "title" => "title of your alert",
        "message" => "alert message here",
        "group" => "test folder",
        "buttons" => json_encode(array(array("text"=>"Google", "link"=>"","color"=>"success")))
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $response = curl_exec($ch);
    print_r($response); //display alertzy response while developing
    curl_close ($ch);

  • Ruby

    require "net/https"

    url = URI.parse("")
    req =
        :accountKey => "111222333aaaccc",
        :title => "title of your alert",
        :message => "alert message here",
        :group => "test folder"
    res =, url.port)
    res.use_ssl = true
    res.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
    res.start {|http| http.request(req) }

  • Command Line

    curl -s \
        --form-string "accountKey=111222333aaaccc" \
        --form-string "title=title of your alert" \
        --form-string "message=alert message here" \
        --form-string "group=test folder" \
        --form-string 'buttons=[{"text":"Google", "link":"","color":"success"}]' \

  • Perl

    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use Mozilla::CA;

        "", [
        "accountKey" => "111222333aaaccc",
        "title" => "title of your alert",
        "message" => "alert message here",
        "group" => "test folder"

Test API

Please enter Account Key
Please enter alert title
Please enter alert message